Abdominal Massage

Hara, Release, Free

Hara Shiatsu abdominal massage combines gentle pressure with the power of your breath to release emotional and physical blockages.

Emotions get “stuck” and we are unable to “digest” our thoughts and feelings. Emotional trauma eventually manifests on a physical level affecting the healthy functioning of our internal organs.

Hara Shiatsu releases blocked emotions detoxifies the internal organs, calms the mind and facilitates the self healing process creating harmony and balance within.

The course of the visit is as followings:

Welcoming and intake conversation.

The requested treatment.

Rest after the treatment. 

A small talk to review the healing.

Abdominal Massage can help with:

·         Promotes Digestion

·         Relieves chronic indigestion or heartburn

·         Relieves the discomfort of gas, bloating and abdominal “knots”

·         Stimulates bowel movements

·         Gastritis

·         Reflux 

·         Soothes the nervous system

·         Correction of prolapsed, fallen or tilted uterus or bladder

·         Releases inner emotions carried in the core

·         Painful or irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation

·         Bladder or yeast infections

·         Miscarriages, difficult pregnancies

·         Endometriosis

·         Peri menopause, menopausal symptoms

·         Infertility

·         PMS/Depression with menstruation

·         Ovarian cysts

·         Uterine fibroids

·         Abnormal uterine bleeding

·         Enhances Pregnancy, aids in labour and birthing

·         Relieves abdominal trauma 

·         Pelvic congestion, pain

·         Headaches/migraines

·         Digestive Disorders

·         Low energy

·         IBS

·         Crohn’s Disease

·         Chronic constipation

·         Low Back pain

·         Restricted breathing due to tension

·         Decreases adhesions 

·         Detoxification


*Please note:

Additional to this treatment, I offer a ginger compress. This would be given after the treatment.

Consider to free up about 15min. additional to the indicated duration of the session.

This treatment is without clothes. Warm oil is used on the body. It is suggested to dress accordingly.

This treatment is not advised when you have:

·         Fever

·         Contagious Diseases

·         Blood Clots

·         First trimester of pregnancy

·         Kidney Conditions or Liver Conditions: only after confirmation from a doctor

·         Cancer: only after confirmation from a doctor

·         Inflammation: only after confirmation from a doctor

·         Uncontrolled Hypertension