Your Golden Life

„We like to help protect property and money before impairment, which they are currently facing.”
Dusan Swalens & Katerina Swalens Hejdova
founders of Your Golden Life

First we solved it for ourself, our children and our parents
We wanted to protect our savings. Inflation and associated price increases were close to 20%. Real, however, an incredible 45%. How did we get to that point?
We put our most used items in an imaginary basket: food, fuel, energy bills...
We looked for the commodity that had fallen the least recently, or even appreciated. We eliminated everything virtual, based only on paper or numbers on the monitor. Real estate was also out of the question, at an all-time high and requiring a lot of equity or an unaffordable mortgage with a killer interest rate.
One of the few physical things that holds its value for thousands of years and has survived all the world's upheavals and crises is gold. Who to shop and not get burned? We were looking for a Ferrari or a Rolls-Royce among the sellers. With terms and conditions and the ability to sell at the best price at any time and have the necessary capital in your account within 1-3 days without exceptions and exclusions. We found.
But what happened next? We've found it's also suitable for property retirees, you can save to the bullion even with small amounts. And we liked it so much that we shared these benefits with those around us and people were grateful.
So naturally we started working with this company. We met the management and went on trainings that extended to self-development. This really started to be a lot of fun for us and made a lot of sense. And the results came in no time. In a short time, Katerina became a manager and Dusan became a regional director and a consultant for those who do not want to helplessly watch the decline. And to offer cooperation to those who desire to change their lives and help others. We also create educational programs.

Because established things always work
Because with gold you never put a foot wrong
Because reaching out for your dreams has never been easier
Because sometimes we all need a help
Secure your own pension
Don´t rely on the state, with a golden annuity you can retire when you want and really enjoy your pension.
Take care of the future of your children.
Prepare for your children's studies and start in life on time. Let gold work for you.
Protect your savings against inflation
Gold has been a long-term safe haven for savings since ancient times. Its importance continues to grow even today.
Annuity on request
Get inspired. See where and how iiplanRentier® can help you.
Make the most of your golden annuity
We have a solution for your.
Discover iiplanRentier® – gold annuity.

Do you know that feeling when you find true passion in your life? I found my passion in investment precious metals. Everyone has a right to protect their money. It is important for us to make gold available really to everyone. iiplan® saving plan can be acquired by a person older than 18 and it is possible to invest only 4 EUR per month. Freedom in the process of saving is what makes sense to us. Invest according to your possibilities.
We know what we sell. We deliver investment gold from prestigious refineries. We give you a guarantee that you are its first owner. Our gold is not just paper. You will get real gold of the highest quality. We guarantee our customers that we will also repurchase the goods we sell.
Start making money. The value of gold has been steadily increasing even at times of economic crisis. Gold functions as a protection against inflation and is used worldwide. If you need money, you can get it back quickly.
With our saving plan you can buy higher weights of investment metals while getting a better price. You have absolute control over your investment. You can choose whether the ingots and coins with the acquired saving plan are to be sent continuously, after the termination of the contract or upon your request.
You can arrange iiplan® saving plan from the comfort of your home. You specify the amount you want to deposit in gold monthly. You will confirm (sign) the proposal of the contract by the first payment. We do not punish our clients with absurd charges when they are not able to deposit. We offer freedom in depositing. As for your investment, you are your own master, you can adjust your saving plan according to your needs.
The biggest
golden curiosities

Sweet Life versus Golden Life

Our names are Katerina and Dusan Swalens. We operate Sweet Life company in the Kingdom of Belgium. Originally established to sell some of the most delicious chocolates. Gold bars containing the famous luxury Belgian pralines sold well.
Prosperity and abundance have been taken away by the corona and global crisis. The bankruptcy of one branch followed the bankruptcy of our exhibition gallery in the center of picturesque Bruges, also called the "Venice of the North". The crisis that hit us forced us to sell the family residence in the homeland and the share in our coffe house and tea room, that we co-founded. 15 years of savings almost all disappeared to cover losses.
Inflation of unprecedented proportions has forced us to think about how to protect the rest of the savings from the devaluation that is currently imminent. Gold has been working for over 6000 years and has survived all the storms of economic crises, revolutions, currency reforms...
Persuasive arguments and facts led us to hand over the last brick and mortar chocolate branch in Belgium and devote ourselves mainly to this seeding of ideas of economic health and protection of family assets. We help people solve social weakness in old age through "golden annuity".
Thanks to the exceptional connection to the PAMP refinery in Switzerland and The Royal Mint in Great Britain, we can offer products and services that outstrip any competition. And that includes fair cooperation. This is how we help single mothers a lot or people who are unable to pay mortgages or simple utility bills.
There is a great demand for it, most people are now dealing with it, and even investing in gold in most of the countries is being overtaken by the most popular traditional savings. For me, it is already a moral aspect to inform about what is happening.
We are in the role of managers and consultants. In addition Dusan was appointed regional director for Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Luxembourg - a region with 95 million inhabitants. Not only here, but thanks to the online platform basically anywhere in Europe.
Are you thinking about a change yourself? We are happy to help people live a quality life, realize their dreams and have time and money for everything important at the same time. Let's fill the individual regions of Europe together. I want more information about cooperation.
Does it make sense to you?
Would you like to have your ACCOUNT IN GOLD?
We can turn paper into gold - another form of money...
At your service
- regional director for BeNeLux & France
- senior advisor & manager for Europe
+32 470 58 53 50
We will always help you.
We are here for you. We believe in gold and we believe that this is an investment that makes sense today and belongs to each family portfolio.
„If you don't own gold, you know neither history nor economics.”
(RAY DALIO - Bridgewater Associates – the world's largest hedge fund)
Let's change it!